Saturday, June 29, 2013

So Much To Say, So Little Time....

When it rain, it pours!   Wait....that's most days here.   Anyway, we're in the middle of many good things right now.   Let me first say, the new directives on missionary work (yes, Elder Meese and I stayed up till 1 am to view the broadcast live!) are phenomenal!!!   Missionaries with the use of technology...they will be unstoppable!   Churches open for tours, ward councils feeding referrals to their Elders and Sisters....all so exciting!   Of course the Elders in our mission haven't seen the broadcast yet.   It's scheduled for zone conference next week.   But this all just says THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO BE A MISSIONARY!   Below is our zone right before we attended a temple session together.   If you want a spiritual experience, be in the silence of this company in the Celestial Room as they each meditate separately.  We were afraid to move and disturb the spirit.

Of course there is also always time to joke around for Sis. Meese's camera.   Our Zone Leaders had a good time adding themselves to the 'Sisters Picture' I lined up.   (I 'hope' they were joking!)

One of the happiest days around here lately was the morning Elder Meese got the phone call telling him he'd been selected for the 'Recording Choir' for the Pageant!   He had his first six-hour rehearsal in Chorley this morning.  Luckily the chapel is a parking lot away from the temple, so I got a session in! I knew they couldn't resist that bass voice, even with an American accent!

And speaking of being in Chorley by the temple, here's another wonderful picture we took there a few days ago.  Remember the young lady who would rarely look directly at you when she spoke and refused to have her picture taken?
You would not believe the changes in this amazing young woman, as she has begun studying, praying, and living the commandments faithfully.

On this day, we had given her a lift to the LDS Bookstore in Chorley so she could get materials to begin teaching her 16 month old son about the gospel.   She even bought a Home Storage and Preparedness manual!

Here is one of her recent Facebook posts:

... it's really strange but i was thinking today, if recent events hadn't happened, I would never have found out how strong I was, I wouldn't have realized how truly amazing my friends were, I might never have gone back to church and made lots of wonderful new friends, rediscovered my faith and strength of spirit. In short I wouldn't have become the person I am today. I am not perfect, but I kind of like this new me - she's a lot more confident, strong and happy. Sometimes the worse thing that happens in your life can help you make the best of it. - feeling hopeful.

Well, here's ANOTHER happy thought in our lives right now.   Elder Meese and I have been trying to figure out how to implement the mission focus of Family History in our work.   Well, my little band of Institute Singers (which will be about a double quartet if we're lucky) is beginning work on a sacrament meeting program in music, with vignettes from their ancestors lives.  We began learning two songs for it last week.   We'll present it in our ward in August.   With a little 'tweaking' to the lighter side, we are also planning to take it to retirement centers in our area!   Below are four of my great young singers...   just as personable as they are talented.  (By the way, we lose that fabulous tenor to a mission in September!)

Oh goodness, I could just go on.   But I'll close for now with some more 'extra' snatches from the mission happenings:

We lose my favorite French Zone Leader this next  transfer, for home!  And just when I was understanding almost 90 percent of what he said! (He's also never heard of Inspector Clousseau)

At the same time, we lose this powerhouse of a German Elder. I was skeptical that anyone could be that continually enthusiastic about the Work until I realized he was totally sincere!   He's likely to convert the rest of Germany on his return home!

Here's a random photo - our favorite and regular breakfast - sultana bran and almond milk.   And yes, that's as large as the carton comes.   That's why we're on a first-name basis with Sainsbury's staff.

And last, into each life a little rain must fall.....  (I'm sure first uttered in England).   It's time for Elder Meese to begin studying for his driving test.   There are 1270 questions to study in the book.   They can put any 35 they choose on the test; you have to answer 30 right.  If you pass the Theory test, you get the privilege of passing the 'hazard preparedness test', then an actual driving test.   They're pretty serious about their driving privileges here!   Elder Meese's American license is actually good for a year, but who wants to pass the new test in the winter??    Anyway, I don't think the look below is a 'pose'.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great post. Thanks for all the news. Good luck with the driving test. And cute square cereal bowl.

    Way to go missionaries!
